How To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Being diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, or ED, means you are unable to sustain an erection long enough for healthy and satisfying sexual intercourse. ED is a treatable penile disorder, and men with chronic dysfunction can receive help. Treatments are personalized based on what is causing your ED and other medical factors. Here’s an overview of how to treat ED:
Lifestyle Changes
ED occurs when the blood flow to the penis is not sufficient to consistently sustain an erection. Some people maintain an erection for a short period, while others are unable to achieve it at all. An urologist can recommend lifestyle changes to treat mild cases of ED. Lifestyle changes include regular physical activity and aerobic exercises that boost blood flow to the penis.
The urologist can also recommend a healthy balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Such diets help to improve cardiovascular health, which is linked to erectile dysfunction. Other lifestyle changes include weight loss if you’re overweight, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption. It also helps to get help in managing stress, depression, and anxiety.
Oral Medication
Your doctor can recommend oral medication to increase blood flow to the penis. These prescriptions should help you achieve and maintain an erection long enough to have successful intercourse. They feature nitric oxide, which helps to relax blood vessels and penile muscles to increase blood flow. Nitric oxide is naturally released in the body, and prescriptions can make it happen in time for intercourse. Medications are only prescribed after a comprehensive medical review that deems them safe for your situation. You also need sexual stimulation to achieve an erection using oral medications.
Hormone Therapy
Some cases of ED result from low testosterone levels, also known as hypogonadism. If your ED is due to hypogonadism, your urologist may prescribe hormone replacement therapy to restore testosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, involves injections, gels, or patches. The urologist first evaluates your hormonal levels to determine if TRT should be paired alongside other ED therapies or if it is enough on its own.
Counseling and Psychotherapy
ED can occur due to psychological or emotional conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression. Fear of intimacy or sexual intercourse also makes it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection. Such causes of ED are treated through counseling and therapy. Your doctor might refer you to a mental health professional to manage stress and anxiety. Other options include couples therapy to help resolve relationship issues that may contribute to stress and ED.
Managing Health Conditions
Underlying health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension can contribute to ED. Other conditions linked to ED include high cholesterol, vascular disease, and chronic kidney disease. Treating or managing these health conditions can reduce their impact on your testosterone levels and blood flow to the penile muscles. Treatment may include managing your blood sugar and revising the medications you take to address existing conditions.
Speak to an Erectile Dysfunction Doctor Today
Consulting an ED doctor could help you determine the underlying cause of your condition. Once the cause is identified, the doctor devises a plan that addresses these issues. Treatment ranges from medication and physical therapy to erection devices and vascular surgery. Contact a urologist today to find out more about erectile dysfunction diagnosis and treatment.