5 Safety Tips for Using a Walk-In Refrigerator
Walk-in refrigerators require regular repair services to prevent hazards like slip-and-fall injuries and spoiled food. Spills on the floors can be addressed through regular cleaning and drying. Other issues, such as jammed doors, require professional commercial refrigeration repair services. Here are five safety tips for using walk-in refrigerators:
1. Schedule Timely Repairs
Your refrigerator must operate within ideal temperatures to preserve the items stored in it. Functional doors and temperature control also protect your staff while they are inside the unit. Scheduling timely commercial refrigeration repair services allows you to maintain optimal functionality for your unit. You can schedule temperature control upgrades and install quality probe adapters. Timely repairs keep your refrigerators working well and reduce the risk of extreme temperature changes and stuck doors.
2. Upgrade to EC Motors
Electronically commuted (EC) evaporation fan motors are more efficient than traditional shaded pole motors used in walk-in freezers and coolers. Refrigeration coils used in walk-in refrigerators usually run around the coil, requiring more efficient motors. Upgrading to EC motors and controls allows you to maintain internal temperatures more accurately. Regulating temperature control helps to reduce the risk of ice buildup and melting, minimizing the risk of slippery floors. The controls also allow the evaporator fans to run at lower speeds once you achieve the ideal temperatures. Running at lower speeds reduces energy consumption and protects your meats, vegetables, and other refrigerated products from spoiling.
3. Install Proper Lighting
You can install LED lighting in place of conventional incandescent and fluorescent lighting to enhance illumination in your refrigerator. LED lights reduce energy consumption and improve the brightness of the refrigerator’s interior. Proper illumination allows your staff to identify and remove spills and ice buildup that can lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Your staff is also less likely to trip or stumble over storage boxes when there is proper lighting.
4. Use Door Covers
Using plastic door curtains in walk-in coolers and freezers helps to keep the cold air inside during loading and stock retrieval. The curtains also reduce heat exchange when the door isn’t closed properly. You can use night covers for open-display refrigeration when the store is closed. The covers reduce heat exchange and electrical expenditure and maintain temperatures, protecting your stock from going bad due to suboptimal temperatures.
5. Prioritize Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance tune-ups allow technicians to identify and fix issues before they become safety hazards. You can schedule emergency maintenance if you notice issues such as a jamming door or spiking energy bills. Set up seasonal preventative maintenance appointments with your preferred service company. Properly maintained refrigerators work efficiently and reduce the risk of getting locked in. Technicians can install emergency release mechanisms and test the safety release regularly to check if it works as intended. They also install proper ventilation to reduce the buildup of hazardous gases and refrigerants.
Schedule Commercial Refrigeration Repair Today
Your walk-in refrigerator needs prompt repairs to continue functioning optimally. Issues with the motor, electric units, door-locking mechanism, ventilation, and other components can lead to various safety hazards. Contact an experienced commercial refrigeration repair company today to boost your unit’s efficiency and safety.