
Bird Pests: More Dangerous Than You Could Imagine

Birds usually prefer to build their nests on trees, but given the continual urbanization, birds have adapted to new surroundings and built their nests on top of high structures like towers, buildings, bridges, etc. However, sometimes the birds could enter your house, giving birth to unthinkable health problems. 

Therefore, it is essential to remove birds from your property in a timely manner to ensure that they do not spread illnesses that could affect you and your family. It is pertinent to mention that birds can become aggressive when trying to remove them. However, you can visit this website to understand how professionals can help you.

Common pest birds of California

The following birds are considered the most common pests in California and are known to infest households the most.

  • Pigeons: Pigeons largely rely on humans for food and habitats. While they prefer high-altitude buildings and structures, sometimes they may invade your home to lay eggs and incubate. A single pigeon can produce about 25 pounds of acidic defecation annually, which can be highly dangerous for residents and buildings.
  • House sparrows: House sparrows or English sparrows are highly aggressive. Despite being about six inches in size, they can carry secondary pests with them and spread several diseases. A female sparrow can give birth to about 28 offspring every year. 
  • Starlings: Starlings are medium-sized birds that are very noisy and vocalize at a very high pitch. Their droppings are corrosive; they can carry parasites and cause various diseases and fungal infections. They are also considered dangerous for the livestock, as they can spread diseases among them.
  • Crows: Crows are very common across California and inherently spooky due to their pitch-dark appearance. Crows can intimidate your pets and cause nuisance around the year. Moreover, crow droppings can contribute to several health risks. They are highly stubborn, and it may be difficult to remove them.
  • Horned Lark: Horned larks are about 6-7 inches long and gray to brown with black, yellow, and white bands on the throat and face. They are mainly known for damaging the crops. 

Threats posed by pest birds 

While most birds will leave their habitat if they feel threatened, in some cases, they may become aggressive or reluctant, too. For example, crows are highly stubborn, and sparrows become aggressive when you try to go near their nests.

Although some birds living on your property may not cause severe harm, a large infestation can lead to several problems. The following are the most common ones of them.

  • The feces of birds may carry a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum, which can cause histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis can cause high fever, pneumonia, blood abnormalities, and blinding eyes, and it can even be fatal in some cases.
  • Droppings of birds like pigeons can be a source of cryptococcus neoformans fungus, which can cause cryptococcosis. The symptoms include lung infection, acne-like skin ulcers, etc.
  • Some birds may spread rabies and other diseases through droppings. 
  • Birds can also spread mites, parasites, ticks, and other parasites.
  • Birds can also carry a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus known as bird flu (H5N1).

How to remove pest birds from your property

Following are some common methods to remove birds from your property.

  • Use bird netting to close all the entry points for the birds.
  • You can install stainless steel spikes on pipes, lights, and ledges to prevent birds from roosting.
  • You can also install profile shock tracks that teach birds to keep off the roof area.
  • Avitoral is another effective bait that can cause the birds to emit a distress signal and leave the property due to perceived threat.
  • You can also install traps to catch the birds and release them elsewhere.

Final takeaway

Birds seem harmless and pretty. However, some may carry dangers you might not be aware of. While you can let birds build nests in your garden and courtyard, you must employ measures to keep them from entering your home to avoid potential health threats.

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